11:57 PM Thursday, March 20, 2008
Sorry for not posting the past 3 days!! D;
My computer was like totally dying.. (SO SAD)
But nevermind, i'll try to let the computer to live back. (;
Even my computer is like perfectly FINE, i wouldn't be posting as much as last time. ):
I really admit that i didn't study much for my CA and after that, i go home sleep until very late.
Then 1,2am then sleep.
Keep on using the computer and didn't work hard at all.
I think im gonna work hard starting from tomorrow.
So, if i have the time, i will post.
If not, NO. (:
Wish you all can understand. My hits are getting lesser too! ):
Wahahaha! I want MORE MORE MORE! (:
Just talk about the pass when i didn't post. (:
This week is BMW. So people perform and from outside people came and perform.Yesterday performance was the
best! (:
The women singing was really FABULOUS!
Everyone take her like fans! Cool loh.
After school, thought got choir, but at last canceled.
Stay back and do homework and have talks. (:
I started to try the mush potato.
I thought it was different from 7-11.
Then when i eat, i just know is was like excatly the same!
Then i addicted liao loh. (:
Followed eating was Bern,Sonia,Nisa and Elaine.
Then we continue eating non-stop.
Then Oshestra people came down.
Followed is XingWen then Amanda then Noreen. Total ate 13. xD
Then went home and slept till 10 without showering. ;x
Today had choir and was damn sleepy.
Thats all for today!