1:19 AM Saturday, April 5, 2008
Okay. Last two post was short i know.. ==!!
But no choice. Nothing happen one. Its like so.. BORED!
I think still what, i will post photos in school uniform lah. (:
Cause CHIJ got so many.. Some uniform also same as ours.. How people know? ==!!
Kayes, today purposely woke up late cause didn't want go school early!
Reach school around 6.54. And ya.
Saw June they all and i sat down and was tired.. haha.
Was obviously so sick lah! Slept early past few days still sleepy.
A little feverish. But didn't want to care.
Morning had exercise.
Its our turn, to run! ==!
Teachers was like a syp following you behind.
Form teacher was running too. Gave me stress loh.
I shouted and said to form teacher,"My life now already half dead, reach there i DEAD liao." xD
Finally finish loh.
Walked to D&T room hurrily cause later teacher scold again.
I was so
dizzy when teacher was talking. Then leg sudden;y dont know why bleed. ROFL.
Didn't mention names of teacher cause was worry. (:
After D&T went buy food but see the food liao i lose my appetiate.
They say i waste money. HAHA.
PC was the best time for me to make trouble... (:
Shouted here and there and do things i
After PC was lit. This is the first time lit lesson so FUN loh.
I volunteer myself to read a long long story.
I was the visitor. And bern was the burtler. And rest, forgotten. (:
We was laughing as it was the fact that is funny. haha.
Then is Geography. Geog was fun too.
Had to act out which topic you acting..
I was the evil saturn and i made props which a devil thingy on top on my head. ==!
June laughed at me!!
My script:
Im the evil saturn. (Muhahahahaha)
I am 1426980000 away from the SUN.
Thats what i say.
My was the shortest. Bern, Azida, Gloria and Diane's was long! And i cheated. Wrote the distant on hand.
But at last, i mermorise. ROFLMAO!
Then when i said the "muahahahhahaha", everyone laughed.
Cause i was the laughing women in class. xD
My laughter made someone laugh non-stop. ;x
Hehe. That time i feel like laughing too lah. ;D
Nikita's group was like.. WOW!
They played guitar and the time pass for the end of school.
Everyone crowd around our class and see.
They sure get 1st de loh.
Went home after school and slept the whole day until 6+.
Slpet for 4h
WITHOUT SHOWERING! But woke up and shower and slept back.
Woke up use computer but lazy blog now blogging lah.
Then baby cousin came and newphew.
Went out bought ice-cream and bought a ball.

You throw up can change colour one. Pictures can do the talking right?
But didn't expected haven even played for 1 day, the thing became...

6-7 mintues can bacome like this. Pathetic sia!
Thanks to my
DEAR sister loh!
So sad loh!! D;
Lend her play play until like this loh!
WTF lah.. ):
So moody lah. Aiya, thats all lah.
Cousin angry with me just becauuse i post at the time that she want to watch show.
And tomorrow she have to go to work.
NVM! Hack care her.
You guys just dont understand why sisters like cousins more.
And cousins treat the older one better than the younger one.
Its like sometime so unfair to me loh. **** lah they!
I should just ignore them for my entire life if i can.
Ignore they say i what what what.
If they dont do that to me, will i do this to them?! ;@Want blame go blame themselves. Dont push everything to ME!
Now they are like playing so happily lah. How about me loh.
Being a dumbo sitting blogging this idiot blog which nobody usually come to.
LIFE SUCKS THE ENTIRE YEAR! I want sleep liao lah! D;