7:35 PM Saturday, December 8, 2007

Hey! Back posting again ;D
Yesterday slept at 5+ .
And being woke up by my sister and maid !
Cause have facial at 12.
Plus,i set alarm and at 10.30,it rang!!!
And slowly... i kepp offing offing offing offing until 11.55
then wake up . Lol?
Tell you,my nose have one stupid damn pain pimple which cannot be seen so ovious but its pain.
Then go there,they press out.
And i pain until i end out laughing but not shouting .
I laugh like CRAZY lah.
But its really pain leh.

After that press out all finish le,they out mask whatever .
Then i too tired ad i slept .
Finish le,sis haven finish.
So i continue sleeping.
Yay! I get a pillow.
And i slept very well .
And when they call me up,i don't want.

Then wake up le eyes like swollen swollen.
Follow then,go makan makan.
After makan,go arcade play.
Tell you one thing,father called and want to buy food,then we called and ask him he want soup or mee one as the food got just soup or soup and mee.

Then kay loh buy soup only loh.
Go home see le kena scolding.
Hao xin mai, dang gou fei!
After that shower, pack bag.
Tomorrow going to malaysia

So happy !!

My father say until my mother sometime very ci dun.
And blah blah other things.
Then he say until his workers come work. So he ask the worker this,"你昨晚去啊?这么晚才来。”
He replied this,"没有啦。我。。我。。我。。我。。我。。”
From that day they call him wowowowowowowo.
Still got one more.
Got one auntie also .
Call people then say this,"pactrick ah? you help me buy this ah,the charger and blah blah blah then hor blah blah blah blah then hor"
So many then hor.

Kayes,gotte pack bag le...
Going to malaysia.
Think woudn't be posting from the 10 to 17.
WIll talk about it when back . =="

After that go genting and one more place.
Forget le.
Gtg pack. to-dos.
Wll miss you guys!

Yours truly,

Sweet 16. Singing is my passion. Shopping is my hobby. Kpop is my love.


Jaime Ng

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