4:18 PM Monday, November 26, 2007
Hehheh . Today went to do facial agains !! Monday whats ! Really no suffering le lehs .. Now,then i START to like facial .. Just only no pain le and can sleep there . Today almost sleep until fall down from the bed in facial place . What if i fall ? I can't imagine ! OMGOMG ! ==" My father,sister and me go . Everyone so sleepy ..But i wake up fisrt and i heard both of them snore . I so ps ! Then i shaked my sister and slowly no more .. My dad snore like this"(snoring effects)then pui~~~" My god,i ting le faster put in earpiece and continue listening to my songs . Then my mask is normal le and my father first time go is cold cold one and its hard so pull out the shape like his face one .

And i aslo took my a pic of my sister and the aunty daughter(the chio bu) . But i think she deleted away . But nvm,still got my sister one .

Ps,i lazy to rotate.
After that,we took pictures with her daughter ... Ps,she haven send me yet ..
And my sister last night eat until smelly egg.. Stupid one !
Ps,i bad mood .. Don't wanna say any more .. See if i posting again later ..