2:50 PM Thursday, November 29, 2007
Today,wake up go use com . USe le,play audi with,xq,irene and venus. All of them super pro ! But not me lahs .
Its like i damn pek cek with it . So i just left .
Nothing happen yet . Later post .
Want to see my hair?
P/S:I lazy to rotate
Followed then is my sister use the com . Tomorrow actually going out with qing to buy her favourite soft toy ! !
Cause of my ****ing sister go ask me tomorrow go out for what ?! KNOW WHAT IS WTH ?! My mother lehs go kiam pa say,''明天出去干吗" Go out sure go shopping one right ? Use your brian also know ! Continue what she say"出去不用跟我讲的?不用去不用去!" WTH ?! I don't tell you cause i always ask you you let me go one mehs ? I ask you this question first ? You let me go meh? No right ?! SO you shut your fucking hell mouth up ! I can just take it that i don't have you this mother alright?! BITCH?! You're just so
DAMN UNREASONABLE! Please ?! Go recall lahs ! Now you totally spoilt my MOOD ! Get away from me ! Im not gonna talk to you ! BITCH ?!
Thats all .