5:51 PM Sunday, November 25, 2007
Hey guys ! I've gotten my new number but i think maybe the money use finish le,chnage again as my mother say the last 4 number in one language is die die .. LOL ==" Believe in all this ..
But i still give you all first but (WARNING!:Those who don't know me,please don't take it and don't take le come play me !)
My number is:97166464
I just came back from city with my cousin to buy the card and chicken .. LOL .
Morning i went to my nephew house don't know for what ... Oh ! Cause of need to go orchard ..
But suddenly rain... So just go my house .. Might as well don't go her house. . ++"
My nephew asked me to help my baby cousin to tie hair .. Then i saying about not going to orchard .. Then she asked me,"那里是orchard?" Then i say,"Singapore lohs ." Then she said,"huh?got two singapore arh ?" I don't care then i just said,"yeahs lahs !"
Finally she shut her mouth up ! Okayes,later then continue posting ... I go play o2 jam with myy
DEAR DEAR venus :X