6:33 PM Wednesday, November 21, 2007

OMG ! I want to go my nephew there stay forever le lahs ! So nice ! Plus my baby cousin there .
More nice ! But i end up playing my cousin's game .. A 4 year old game ...
I can't believe i snatch with my cousin just over a game ... While we playing,my nephew mop the floor and do this do that as they just came back from kedah(malaysia). She have a baby in her stomach ... But she keep on vomiting .. Yipee ! I will have a baby to take care of again ! :D Nvm, I play play play,the battery low ..

But nvm,just nice its time for me and my cousin to shower together .. Shalalalala . ==" LOL .
While me and my cousin showering,my nephew vomited again ... My baby cousin laughed and say this,"Hehheh,she vomited . (Vomit sound effect . ) "
I was laughing ... So CUTE !!! xD
ome out le,me and my nephew a little hungry but don't know eat what ..
Then i remembered i brought choacolate my favourite food to eat . :X
Eat le,a little full le but also don't eat so mch le lahs .
Time for sleeping time ! xD
My nephew haven sleep on tv but off light le ..
Off le light,damn hell dark ! So NICE ! I love dark dark ...
Sleep until so nice ... Already 7+ i thought still 2 3 am ..
Wake up at 7 as my nephew keep going toilet as the baby shhh shhh too much ..
LOL . She go toilet once i wake up once .
But nvm lahs . I still sleep very well . xD
Hehhehx .. After that go city plaza as my nephew come back and she know everyone there(same as my family too) .
Haha . She go there buy for herself as she have a big stomach now .. xD
Finally shop finish le ! Go home de shi huo,my nephew walk walk walk sudden;y sit on the road floor ..
I kena shocked lohs . She said tired .. I understand ...
xD Thats for my day ..
Dada . ~

Yours truly,

Sweet 16. Singing is my passion. Shopping is my hobby. Kpop is my love.


Jaime Ng

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