10:33 PM Friday, March 5, 2010
Hah, was blog hopping & found out almost everyone's blog is still alive, yet mine, so dead. So i've decided to blog since i have nothing much to do & i suddenly have the feeling to blog though i have nothing to blog about? Hahah. Maybe i shall blog about random stuffs & some past events that happened. which is Chinese New Year.
CAs are over. I totally just screwed my CA. The worse exams in my 2years plus of secondary school life. Ha. I wonder how am i gonna tell my parents. & this term, meet-the-parent-session is like complusory? Means even your parent can't make it or whatever, they'll just find a way to talk to our parents. & know what, its only for the NA pupils. How unfair. Actually not, because they have to talk about through train program. (: Anyway, i tell myself that i want to be in through train program. Means, can skip N Level? So i think i have to work extra hard than other students in Sec 3 express. D: *faints* Hmm, i shall list down my marks one by one though its ugly. :/
E Math-14/30(totally cried like shit cos i really studied like shit for E Math, & worse of all, i fail by 1 mark only. :( )
A Math-6/25(Pathetic uh? Not sad becos i know i didn't have the time to study for it.)
English(summary)-8/20 (Literally the whole class fail lah, thanks to Ms Nadira being so strict. But i think overall i pass.)
Chinese-25/50(My best subject since young, yet i get only 25, JUST. PASS.)
Core Lit-15/25(Quite disappointed cos i know i can do better if i know how to write it down & explain it like how i can just say it out.)
Combine Subjects
Biology-9/15(Surprised that i pass man.)
Chemistry-16/20(Can actually get full marks, but careless!)
Elective Geog-5 1/2(No feeling cos my teacher sucks. I just sleept throughout her lesson & fell asleep when studying before Geog exam.)
Social Studies-5/13 (Sad! Cos i really studied hard for SS. :/ I went crazy for SS.)
YEAH, this is my results. I bet my report book gonna have loads of
underlining man! :( My parents is so gonna scold me & will say sarcasticly,"Your report book very nice uh! All line line line."
Then i gonna have nagging!!!!!! OMGGGGGGGGGGG. I don't want Sec 3 mannnnnnn. :/
Anyway, lets not think about the sad stuffs. Think about happy stuffs. Chinese New Year! :D I know its way too late to blog about it, but yah? I got nothing to say about! Cos every single day of my life is like the same already. Not like last year. Alright, Chinese New Year, i didn't go anywhere. Lol. Not that fun uh. Cos ALL my relatives is in Malaysia. :( & i gambled, lost $20. & i'm not like my other family members, even they lost, they still continue thinking they're still lucky that they can get back the money. I dont wanna lost my angpao moneyyyyy! Total money i have is over $600. Yeah man! Only the second day of New Year at night went out to take angpao which is only 2? Then went home. Sian lah. So i shall just post pictures to make this post look nice & complete. ;)

P/S Not all photos are uploaded. ;D