HELLO. Long time never blog. Now Sec 3, there's really no time to use the computer lah. Only until today, i come back early & i felt like blogging, thats why i'm blogging! Today went to CHIJMES. Actually, we're suppose to go for our camp. However, we didn't cos of the bomb thingy in Malaysia. So... The camp is postponed. (:
Heading to CHIJMES, i was kinda sleepy so i slept for like 6min & have to wake up already. Cos reach already. Before that didn't sleep becos i was busy playing Taptap. LOL. Tifflin bought 2 iPhones. Jolene one, i one. :B
Reach somewhere, my group(Jolene, Amanda, Noreen & Me) literally don't know anything. Hah, we're like a lost kid. People is busy filling up answers for the worksheet, but WE, talking. :S Cross over to CHIJMES. Teachers tell everyone what to do. & we have 1h free time. WOOOO. :D Not really free time lah, we have to complete the worksheet. But expected, our group won't do. We'll be talking, taking photos. HAHAH. Go one level up to don't know where cos Dianty & Victoria asked us to. Lol. Take photos. :D


I look kinda retarded lah. xD
Went to the toilet. The toilet is creepy. You have to use all your force to push the door. Amanda, Noreen, Jolene & me got so scared so we went together. Noreen accompanied Amanda into the cuibicle. -.- When they're inside, Jolene take photo with ME!

Jolene & ME!

Out from toilet. :D
We use Tifflin's camera. But is.. Paraloid. Once you take, it will immediately come out. :D

Here it is! :D All i take one except the one & only half body taken by Sonia. I take one nice righttt!!! :D (I don't mean Sonia take not nice k!)
Afterwards, went down. A lot of people sitting at people's restuarant's table. So we sit too. I was kinda bored? So i went around asking people to take photo with me. Hee.