I wanna fly up like the balloons to avoid stuffs.
Erm, i suddenly felt like blogging. So i stop doing my homework, press the blue button of my laptop, type my password, click on Internet Explorer, type blogger.com & click new post. & thats why i'm here blogging. HAHA. Alright, i'm so damn lame. xD
Actually, i have quite a number of stuffs that i want to do.
1) Do finish my mini summary for passage B.
2) Finsih draft summary for passage B.
3) Finish lit worksheet.
4) Study for Math test tomorrow.
5) Remove my cramps. D:
6) Paste the twitter code into my blog.
7) Start studying becos CAs are coming.
8) Have enough sleep.
9) Save money.
10) Go on diet again.
11) Tidy up my messy room.
12)Finish my NYAA booklet.
For now, thats what i want to do. For the studying for CAs, i always say i want to study. But when i open up my book, the first thing that
always happen to me is, Y-A-W-N. Yawning will always happen to me when i open my books. Be it lit book, chem book, bio book & etc. I'll just yawn. Hah. But i gotta say, for Math i won't really yawn. Cos Math i have to do, so i will crack my
small brain to think. Hahah. & as for Lit, Chem, Bio, English, you ask me to read, after 10minutes i will still be at the same sentence reading the same sentence again & again & again & again. Lol. -.- So i doubt i can ever start studying for my CAs. CAs cannot, Mid-Year worse. CA2 & EOY, hahaha, byebye man! I got a veryveryvery strong feeling that i will fail quite a number of subject for CA. I'm like prepared for it already. Lol.
Anyway, i'm damn in for facebook now. Not in for my facebook profiles or whatever. But with the games. -.- People have been playing facebook games like how many years ago. & when they tell me they play facebook games, i'm like, wthh. LAME. & now, the one who say LAME(ME) is playing Home Inn, FishVille & PetSociety. Ha ha ha. So cool rightttttt. All thanks to Eileen Ng, Agnes Lai(Joelle's mum) & Tracia Ong! Eileen Ng teach me to play FishVille. Agnes Lai teach me how to play Home Inn & Tracia Ong teach me how to play PetSociety. D: Omg.
& was so freaking pissed with my mother yesterday night. Yesterday i have to go to school. I come back, i have tuition at 3.30-5.30. At 9plus, i start using my computer, she scolded me saying that i keep using the computer never study at all! WALAO. I'm like WTF LAH. I said CB to her. OMGOSH. I'm going crazy one day. There's another matter that she piss me off, but i'm too lazy to blog about it cos i will only make me angry again. :@
Anw, yesterday the Media thingy is so super duper boring! Someone like me hate drawing ending up drawing for like 45minutes! Believe it or not. I almost fall asleep lah. -.- I swear i will never find something fun anymore!
Tomorrow maybe gonna go injection, not for h1n1 or whatever. Some personal reasons. THEN GONNA EXAMINE BLOOD. Hoho. I will have LOST OF BLOOD. Below come out blood, hand come out blood. WOW! I hope i just immediately faint when they take my blood. xD That will be so so so so so
COOL! HAHAHAHA. But it may not be a must. I shall ask my mummy laterrrr. ;D
I have tuition later at 7.15pm. :( HURHURRRRRRRR. KILL ME MAN. I think thats all i gonna talk about. I wanna play my Home Inn already. BYE!