Malaysia Part 2
12:41 AM Tuesday, December 15, 2009
I don't really remember what happened on the 11th & 12th. I only remember on the 11th 3/4 of it & 12th night.
Go Pacific to do my name. After that, Yong want to play snooker. Sister also want. However i don't want. End up, Yong's friend came & played for my sister. LOL.

Ying fetch me to buy Fried Ice-Cream. Then come back, saw Hwa & sister sitting on the car. They have problems between Ying just becos of someone & something. Then I'm like in the middle. I don't help anyone, i'll just be treat both the same. :D Went out to find them & they questioned me if Ying got say anything or whatever. Lol. But i didn't really say anything. I look up, saw loads of stars. Its very nice. :D I went in to take camera to take, but couldn't see anything. :( So while they're talking, i took photos. LOL. Then slowly they joined when I'm taking. :D

They talkingg.

They was talking halfway, then gonna take liao, silence. Cos they need to smile, cannot talk. LOL.


They talking.

I didn't know my sister do that poseee!!!! :(

Then take halfway, Ying called me. Joelle vomited. The hair all have. Joelle kept crying & crying & crying. After her fever she have loads of problem. Got cough, the gums grow something that hurts a lot & her thumb grew something. Then clear the vomit & Joelle's clothes. Then i helped to mop the whole housee! :D
Ying, Ying's bf, Hwa, Yong, sister & me gambled. Actually i didn't want to gamble cos I'm so engross into my Sally Spa game. Then one sentence made me play. Which is,"You going back liao, come play lah! Go back want to play also cannot liao leh." I immediately stop & play. Once i play, i lose like bloody shit. But end up, i wonnnnnnnn!! :D I've gotten a lot of blackjacks! & there's one scene which is damn funny. xD
Ying banker, she give out cards, i take i got 2 sevens. I told Hwa, get 1 seven, good sia. *I take card* *Look at it* Immediately laugh. Everyone laughed at me becos of my reaction. LOL. TRIPLE LEHHH!!!! OMGOMGOMG! I never kena triple beforeeeeeeee! Hoho. Then the following rounds most of the time i won. (:
Sleep halfway, i find out my nose was bleeding. Faster take tissue & lie down. Lie until i fall asleep. Lol. Woke up early to do somethings. Hwa bring me there. Then very long, Hwa go work, Ying fetch me. Go home, wait for mother. Most of my friends know my mother damn slow. So i saw winnie, i sayang her. & took loads of photo with her. Lol. xD But she don't want to take with me. So i take damn a lot until she look at the camera.

Jenny's mouth got something.

YiJie. SO HANDSOME. I want him to be my bf! xD
Eat finish, Uncle bring me to buy Fried Ice Cream again. YAY! Heehee. Then go home use computer with YiJie's mum. Both of us have the same laptop, so we keep asking each other here & there. & i helped YiJie to change pampers. Must use to first before Tracia's mum give birth to the baby boy which is 2months awayyy! :D Then YiJie they all went back at 3plus. & something happened funny to me... Kinda paiseh to say.
Jaime: Ying, i use your Moisturiser eh.
Ying: You open new one?!!
Jaime: No lah. Its there, i press then got liao.
Ying: Oh, purple one ah?
Jaime: No lah! Its white & pink.
Ying: Where got?!!
I walked there & tell her which one. Ying laughed at me.
Ying: You use that, put where?!!!
Jaime: Face lah!
I picked up the bottle & see, its for body. NOT FACE. Sister, Ying & me laugh like shit. Omggggggggg. No wonder i put liao, i not hot but keep sweatingggggg. :S
Then we had pressing pimple session. Only Yong & Me kena cos just nice both of us lying. Ying press mine. Was't pain, & not a lot.
Yong one was damn long & damn a lot. Lol. After pressing, put toner & mask. A guy putting mask, believe it or not. I took photo of it, but Yong deleted. ;( 5plus then sleep..
Wake up at 12plus. Eat & shower. Pack our stuffs & leaveeeeee house. In the car, sister say,"I dont want to leave in a sudden."
Jaime: Yah, me too..
Sister: I can't bear AhYi. Chun they all.
Jaime: Hwa also right...
Sister & i cried a little.. Lol. Then sms Hwa gonna go liao.
Go airport, check in luuggage. Then i fall asleep on the chairrr. LOL. Quite comfortable also lah. Ying left & then we go in. In the plane, very uncomfortable. AirAsia not gooddddddd. Singapore Airline the best stilll. Reach KL at 6plus, check in luggge go eat in Old Town. Hahah, guess who i saw? Nikita. She also going back Singapore. In the plane met her & we laughed. Once i reach the plane, i slept until it reach. The person in front vomit, so smelly. I want to vomit also siaaaaaa. D:
Alright, thats the end of my trip in Malaysia. :D Hope you guys will go the places i went! Photos that are not posted will be post now. Scroll downnnnn! :D

Coco & Winnie. Couples.

Coco sleep so cute.


AhYi singing.

Bowling. :D




Me, Ying & Hwa.

Looking Yong play.

Gamblinggg. :D

Yong carry my sister's bag. LOL. xD


Our unglamsssss!!! Going down the roller coaster, all very scared. LOL. xD
The end. :D BYE!