Yesterday went to Sentosa for Janene's surprise partyyy! ;D Morning, Kayxi come my house & meet me. Lol, she cut fringeeee. I GONNA LET THE WHOLE WORLD NOW!
KAYXI CUT FRINGEEEEEEEEEEE. Ah, she gonna kill me!
Then went to Vivo to eat first. Meet Althea, Fathoum & Charlotte. :D Go Gaint to buy drinks & chips. Then buy cake & go to Sentosa. :D Kayxi & i are so excited for th Universal studio. BOTH OF US GONNA GO MANNNNN! (: & Kayxi suggest to book hotel then 8a.m we wear our sleeping clothes go there & be the first one to reach there. Lollol. Reach Sentosa, we sit the tram. Kayxi dare me if i dare to go under the rail & go snatch for sits. She was just kidding but i took it for real, so they were like OMG JAIME. Hah. Wait for Janene to come.
Janene came. Hahahahaha! She's really shocked. COOLCOOL. Then they started putting cakes on Janene's faceeeeeeeeeee. Ewwwwwwww. I will never want that to happen. Then everyone talk. Angeline pour Sprite on Janene. & JANENE TOUCH MY HAIR IMMEDIATELYYYYYY. AHHHHHHHHH. D: But nvm, i still have to wash my hair cos its raininggggggg.
Then janene caught starfishhhh! :D LOL. I first time see starfish. :D HEE. Then play a while, Kayxi, Charlotte & me decided to go Vivo & watch 2012. We bought Subway to the cinemaaa. Meiyee come toe. 2012 the starting quite boring. Until like 1/4 of the show, its damn nice. The ending i cried like shitttzxzxz. I'm the only one who crieddddddd...... After the show went home.
I only have this photo with Kayxi becos those with fringe she say she look ugly. -.- WTH. & those in Althea's camera, she told Althea not to uploaddddddd. THANKS UH.

My flower from Kayxi. SHE KILLED
Today, mummy fetch me to choirrrrrr. (: LOL. Today KC Choir is
HOMELESS. Music Room the teacher having meeting. Went to EOA, Dance people suddenly need. Go Foyer, the teachers say we too loud. Suddenly got
ANGEL sing, so niceeeeee. Teehee. So we went to the hall... Mr Liew somehow scolded usssss. ARGHHH. Scaryyyyyy. 10.30 he left. Had sectionals until 11.30. KAYXI GONNA KILL ME! She wait for me for 45mintues? When i meet her, i was so scared. Buy books. Keep fighting with her. ARGHHHHHHH! Reach my house, watch tv & eatttt. I showered & sleepppppppp. 6plus Joelle comeee! OMGGGGGGG. SHE CUT HER FRINGE TOOOOO!!!!! LOLLOL. She's leaving on Thursday to Malaysiaaaaaa. :( I'll miss herrrrrrr. Tomorrow i have choir camp. I hop nothing bad happen tomorrow. If not, i'll be so scaredddddd!!!! D: Alright, have to pack my stuffs & memorise my scores. BYE!