facial for longgggggg.~
10:36 PM Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Haha, i'm back from facial. :D & now my face look like just let 50 bees sting finish. Went to De Beaute. I'm not used to go such a high-class facial place. They consist facial, slimming, massage, spa & moreeee. Hahah, but i only do facial today. & its quite comfortable. Quite pain. Very cold. Hahah. <: Joelle helped me do. Their facial includes massage on the shoulder. Then its like, i'm naked. I feel weird being touched by someone i don't really knowwwwww. :S I did the facial for like 2hours plus. I also did the ear candling. It clears those dirty stuffs in my ear & make your brain relax more. Hahah, quite nice. When i'm doing, sister done with her slimming on her legs & her milk bath. xD My mother haven done anything yet. Lol. Sister take photo of me while doing the ear candling.

Hahah. After the facial, i go do milk bath too. My sister insist into coming in with me! Irritating. Then i don't feel uncomfortable AT ALL. Stupid sister. Then she keep saying you alone you not scared ah! I scared leh. -.- Excuses! & when i go into the milk bath, i lie wrong side. My hair all wet. & i keep floating up. My sister call me, S.T.U.P.I.D! Argh. After 20minute, i go shower. :D Then we leave our mother doing her face.

Sister & i go parkway eat dinner. We ate subway. I'm damn fullll. My sister? Not sureee. Eat finish, i told my sister i very cold. She said cos i drink coke. Then i ask her you not cold? She answer back, COKE! Hahahah. I was like, HUH? Coke? My sister laughed cos she know she answer back wrongly. LOLLOL. Went to Cotton On to see clothes. Sister & i try out some clothes, hahaha. We try, but no moneyyyyyy. Teehee. Haha.

Cab home & here i ammmmmm talking to Kayxi & Joyce. <: Tmrw going Kayxi's house for fun. Friday i gonna do my hair. Saturday, not comfirm. Sunday, pack luggage. Monday, BYEBYE EVERYONE! ;D Anw, before i end. Which phone should i get? Satio, iPhone or Yari?




Yours truly,

Sweet 16. Singing is my passion. Shopping is my hobby. Kpop is my love.


Jaime Ng

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