Hello! I'm back blogging. :D Anw, yesterday went to Kayxi's house for fun. xD Lol. I bet she miss me like freaking shit. Never see me for 1month leh. HAHAH. Kidding.
Before heading to her house, went to parkway for lunch. Felt awkward at the beginning. Dont know why. But just yah. After eating, Kayxi's t-shirt is filled with soya sauce. I swear, she's still a BABY. Hahah. Go her house, we didn't do anything much. As usual, watch tv. Play & fight. LOL.
We gave each other our Christmas present. (: A bit too early. Cos during Christmas, I'm flying to HongKong. Lol. Sound a bit sad though. Christmas cannot spend with friends. Hah. Kayxi's present for me was really shocking. LOL. Was kinda happy but of course, i pretended like, OH. Thanks. HAHA. :D

LOOK. So cute! (: Call lumpy(real name for it)! The reason why she gave me this was becos she have the small one. & the small one, i bought it for her. Lol. & why will she buy this big one even though i bought her the small one?
One day after school, we went Parkway. We enter Isetan, Kayxi saw the big lumpy. I was looking at something, she carry it like a small kid coming to me. "JAIME!" HAHA. I was like, ohhh. I always see it, i will only touch the hair. HAHA. If i'm not wrong, she asked me to buy. I told her,"Always i help you buy. Previously that small one i also help you buy!" Kayxi replied,"OKAY! Next time i help you. :D" I say back,"By the time no more liao loh." Hah. & yesterday, she give me, i was so shocked. I forget about the matter already. Kayxi reminded me about it. HAHA. THANKS KAYXI!
As for me, my present for her wasn't surprising at all. Cos i told Kayxi already. HAHA. :S I gave her a necklance that engrave our photo & behind its the name. & a cup which i think its cool. HAHA. Yahh.
Today, go out with Jolene & Kayxi. We went different places. xD LOL. Anw, i wake up at 10.12am. Kayxi come my house. While showering, she use my laptop & don't know what she do with it. Meet Jolene at Paya Lebar. LOL. Look at her i want to laugh. Sit MRT to Orchard. Go Ion to eat. Then walk to Wisma to shop. Jolene & me bought the same shirt. :D HAHA. Kayxi go Gap to get something. Buy what, scroll down! :D

Buy socks for boyfriend. xD
She choose, Jolene & me take photo.

LOl. They all look damn glam. I look damn unglam. HAH.
Before going 313. We took photos.

This is the same pose kayxi & me did when we go Wisma with my sister. :D
Go 313, Kayxi have to buy Christmas present for her families. We find until damn hard sia. HAH. Jolene & me got so sleepy & we want to sleep. Hahah. Walk around & we keep getting very thristy. So went out of 313 to buy water. Damn windy sia outside. We're fighting who should hold the camera. & we only took 1. LOL.

So windy ahhh.
Then go up the escalator. Damn long & high. Jolene immediately say, TAKE PHOTO TAKE PHOTO!

Go back in 313. Went to Diva ask the person some questions for ENGLISH HOMEWORK. -.- So lame lah. Then Kayxi buy something for aunty. After that went to Orchard Central. Go converse see shoes. Then we decided to go Parkway. LOL.

Waiting for the train.
Kayxi bought the iPhone cover for her aunt. Lol. 49.90. She was so saddddddd. Give back change 10cents. HAHA. Walk around Parkway. & soon, 6plus we left. (:
NOW, im all alone at home. So pathetic. Tmrw i gonan be alone too. SIGH. What to doooooooo... Shall end the post. BYE!