Last day..
10:37 PM Friday, October 30, 2009

Last day of school. & it isn't perfect.

Morning, not that good. Was yearning for Jolene Seah to call to accompany me in front. Moreover, she's leaving to Korea today at night. Means i won't be able to see her until she return. I don't know when is she returning, but hope it will be soon so that I'm able to disturb her. But now, I'll disturb Amanda & Sonia. They're quite nice to disturb too. NYAA applicants have to meet Mr Alex Lim? Thus, resulting me not sitting with my class in foyer! Its so sqeeuzy! So uncomfortable lah. I sat with Kayxi since she's one of the NYAA applicants. Had quite a fun time sitting with her playing that green colour wetish thing that Munnah got for that $1 turn turn thing. When she threw to me, i got a shock. However, its nice tot play. So i played for it like non-stop. Even Hannah wants it i pull half for them & i play the remaining one. Kayxi & Nisa is fighting. They keep beating each other. Tickling each other. & i have no idea why Nisa is so afraid of the green colour wetish thing. So Kayxi just keep putting on her & she keep screaming. Thanks giving always have song one. & the songs quite nice. Ms Lam also announce whose leaving Katong Convent. Quite sad... I'll miss all those teachers who is leaving even though i don't know them. Yaaaa. :S

After thanks giving is Class Party! I saw Amanda eating so i also eat. I think i ate 3/4 of the seaweed chicken. By the time can eat pizza, i full already. Class Party quite alright. Becos of some personal reasons, i spend half of my time with Kayxi. & taken photos with her & Geraldine. Lol. Soon, its time to clear up & have spring cleaning. Quite fun to clean the windows. I enjoy cleaning the windows. & its time to collect our result slip. Damn scared lah. When i got the result slip i was like... Not bad uh? Class position, 11! If i get higher than Wati, i will be top 10! :( Level position is 15. Hmmmm, but my percentage not really that good. Jorah is the only one going express. WISH HER GOODLUCK!

After that, went parkway with Kayxi. But in the bus sit with bern & her group of friends. They compared results. Hah, & I'm the only NA there. Felt so stupid. Lol. Bern kissed me 2times. Was so scared of her kiss. Hah. Then go Mos Burgur. I paid but i didn't got my food. COS I ONLY REALISE IT WHEN I.... REACH HOME? Hahah. Once go home, make Joelle to sleep. Was so tired too. I think Kayxi fall alsleep beside me for a while. Hah, then got so piss cos people keep coming in when Joelle is gonna sleep lah!! ARGH. Kayxi & i were actually playing in the room. However, we ended up fighting! I left my room & go to sister's room to sleep. She angry lie on the floor & she fall asleep! Joelle wake me up by pushing my leg. So cute lah. Then go to my room wake that LIM KAYXI up. We're fine alr. Hah, childish leh us. Talked & sister keep complaining the math paper is hard. Soon, Kayxi need to go. Eat dinner & now I'm tired. Tmrw going to Tracia's gradution night in Kidergarden. Sighh.


Diane looks funny... xD

If you look carefully, all the photos i'm being squeezed by Geraldine!

Both of us look kinda stiff. HAHAHAHA.

This is nice.

Im the tallest in here! :D

Mr Pang's unglam that made us laugh like shit.

Jolene, sit properly!

Azida is back!

Why is azida so cute..

Yours truly,

Sweet 16. Singing is my passion. Shopping is my hobby. Kpop is my love.


Jaime Ng

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