Happy. Sleepy. Bored.
Early in the morning, i'm still sleeping very comfortably. Suddenly, i jumped up & see what time. Its 9.02. First time i think is... What time liao?! Later Kayxi come i still sleeping. Second is... Oh, my results are outttttt. <: But i didn't bother, i just continue sleeping until my phone ring. Hah, Kayxi called. HAHA. I took my time, change & brush my teeth. Lol. Go down, fetch her. Come back home, on the computer. Kayxi & i scan through which class we go & what subjects we taking. Ah! Why i take core lit?! I chose core geog! NO! Everyone is take core Lit! Its so unfair! Not many people taking core geog, then thsoe who wants to take core geog take core lit. Its so unfair! I. GONNA. APPEAL!!!!!! See finish, i slept & Kayxi didn't. Hahaahahhh.. Soon, its time to go for choir. When i'm packing my stuffs, Kayxi fall asleep. -.- Woke her up & go choir. In the bus, Kayxi is so mean!!! She keep saying stuffs that make me have nothing to say back! Then she keep teasing me. MAKING ME SO PAISEH! I got so piss & when i alight i just walk very fast. HMPH. Choir, had 1h plus warm up! Means stand for 1h plus! Now my leg achinggggg. & after the break, Mr Liew suddenly got so angryy. So scary. After choir, Jolyn & i go bubbletea. Wait for Althea & go homeeee. Oh, i'm going 3/2. & i can take A Math! YAY! I go through facebook & Tifflin uplaoded photos. Should upload in blog too. :D