Hmm.. on the 19/10/2009 i went out with Amanda & Jolene. We somehow celebrate with Jolene cos of her birthday. <: Met them in bus 10 & felt quite paiseh. Haha, i dont know why i felt that way. Lol. First place we went was k box. :D Cos i wasn't really feeling that well, i made myself hyper rather than so dead. Then i shout here & there, sing here & there. However, my dear Jolene couldn't stand the bitter-ness of her heart cos of the sad songs that remind some sad stuffs about him. She start crying. :/ Don't cry Jolene! :D Amanda & i comfort her & we made her laugh. YAY! Amanda & i just rock man. We're good in making people laugh. YEAH MAN!
We then proceed to Vivo. However, we have to walk to CityHall. Jolene was the first one who say if we continue looking clothes halfway, we'll reach Vivo at 5. End up, she was the one! Amanda & i were complaining & saying we will reach Vivo at 7 or dont need to go liao. Lol. Haha.
Reach Vivo, Amanda's teeth gonna come out! We stayed in the toilet for quite a while to wait for Amanda to pluck her teeth. The way she pull & all her actions trying to remove the teeth make me so disgusted. Its like so pain. Jolene & i didn't really dare to see, so we took some photos. Hahah. xD Finally! Amanda's teeth came off. :D She can eat already. We eat some snacks that can be brought around. Then we went shops & shop. <: Tried out some clothes & its quite nice. But its so expensive! Better save money. Hahah. However i bought one clothes for sister. <:
4plus we set off to Bugis! In the MRT, we saw two hot guys. Haha, i told Amanda & we're like crazy over them. We alight & thought we won't meet the two hot guys anymore. However, we saw themm! I somehow screamed. Lol. One of the guy turned back & look at us for 3times. Hahah. Then we didn't bother about them already. Took neoprints & we start thinking about the two hottieesssss. Hahah. Saw them in Arcade. Lol. However, saw something so we didn't want to see anymore.
6plus went home. Reach home 7plus. Felt damn sick so daddy asked me to rest. Then something happen that made me so angry!!!! ARGH!

Yesterday, 20/10/2009, Kayxi stayed over at my house. Hahah. :D Afternoon we spend the whole time watching shows. Lol. Then soon, its dinner time. Use the computer already 11 plus & its time to like go to bed. Off the light, lie down. We didn't sleep. We played. Lol. & this means... We did not sleep for one night! Quite cool ah? Quite fun lah. Hahah.
Today, very tired. Reach school, too tired, make me awake, i go hyper with my friends. Haha, quite funny lah. Then talktalktalk, laughlaughlaugh. Hah, soon! Its time to get back our chinese paperrr! Get back paper 2, the marks wasn't what i expected. Quite sad to see what i gotten for my chinese.
Letter: 15/20
Compo: 32/50
Main Paper: 45/70
Oral: 30/40
Hah, wasn't that nice for Main Paper! I expected myself to score 50plus. End up, nooooooo. :(
After recess is Math. Lol. I was high again at that period. Ms Tan give out Paper 1, i was so scared. Turned & saw my marks, i jumped & was damn happyyyyyy! Paper 2, as long as i got A1 for overall can already! After the checking for Paper 1, get back Paper 2! Got back Paper 2! AHHHHHHHHHHH! HAPPYYYYYYYYY!
Paper 1: 44/50
Paper 2: 41/50
OH YES MAN! Total 85! HAHAHAHAHAH. Did my sister's lame magic for all my friends. HAHA. SO FUNNY, LAME & HIGH AT THAT TIME. :D
After that, had talk for streamingggg. Which subject to take & whatever. Sat with Kayxi. We're not even listening. We're talking about the stayover night lah. Lol.
Had choir. Walao, damn boring. I want to sleep so much. Had warm-up for 1h. Stand up for 1h. Almost fainted mannnnnnnn!
Chior finally ended! Stayed with Kayxi & Joyce. Joyce buy bubbletea. Kayxi & i went parkway. Kayxi buy dinner. Then go home alr. NOW, SO TIRED. SO BYE! Tomorrow gonna be a sad day for me! Gonna get back Geog! English, sure fail. LIT, also!!! :(