Walking in the goat farm.

What she smiling at?

Then finally its our turn to talk about goat & blah. After that, get up the bus & proceed to frog farm. D: I'm damn scared of frog cos i always think they're disgusting(EWWWWWWWW)! Looked into the well, deep & the frogs are... EEEEEEEEE! Then they talk about frogs. The lady took the so-called pretty female frogs & handsome male frogs. When she took, i was so scared!

Hweeling took this without Kayxi & i knowing.

I feed the frogs.
Then walk further down, saw loads of disgusting frogs. Eating its own species. -.- But i love one frog alot, with the pink nose, but actually its bruise. Fight with other frogs. Then went to see them mate & blah. Must be very quiet. Saw the eggs too. Then go to see videos of frog. Got air-con! So nice!! Watch finish, they give us dessert. Took photo before leaving. :D

Hweeling. Eileen. Jaime. Kayxi.

After that headed to Vegetable Farm. Dont know what does it call. Talk about Veg, so boring lah! So Hweeling, Sister, Kayxi & i didn't pay attention. Took loads of photos. :D

Hweeling. :D


Unglam lah me.

Girls. :]


Look at the baby plant behind US.
Then went into an air-con room that has food related panting of food. Mushroom & etc. Got green tea some more. I decided to take photo with Kayxi. HAHA!

We look retarded uh?

Hweeling cut in with us. :D

& my sister act she dont know she's behind. Haha!
Went out of the air-con room & took photos outside with the nice view. :D

Haha, Kayxi look weird hanging my phone around her.

Hweeling wanted to have a photo that she was piggybacl-ed too. But she wear skirt, cannot. So she wants to act like Kayxi is piggyback-ing her. But observe closely, where's her leg? LOL.

Compare with Hweeling's. Walao, bug difference. xD

Jie, why you punch Kayxi? D:







Wow, they damn good in acting sia. A guy ask the girl to look. The girl look & "WOWWWWWWW!" Wthell right?

Its time to leave, then they said lets race down. So i started running & they left me alone running so UNGLAMLY!!!!
Go up the bus, took photos. (:



Me trying to smile like Hweeling, but cant.

Kayxi's turn to try. :D

Now both of us. HAHA!


Kayxi looked shocked..
Then go don't know where to have lunch. We ate Mac. (: Eateateat, damn full. Sister went toilet to WASH HER HANDS 4 times. -.- Wthell lah. Then headed to the Fish Farm. :D Saw loads of fishes. Saw Clown fish also! Damn nice. :D Then we can catch fishes. I caught 4! YAY! Was so happy! :D But then they ask us to put it back. Walao, i catch until so hard want me to put back! :(

My fishes. :D
Then can do Fish Spa! First time when i put in i was so scared. Then some fish came to my leg i fater put up cos its so ticklish!!!!!!! Then i more fishes came & i cannot stand it & i put my leg up again. After that i tried to put my leg & bear with it. After a while, its nothing le. Took photos. :D