7:31 PM Tuesday, May 26, 2009
The weather was freaking hot & from morning until the end of the day(2359), i was perspiring like freaking shit ass & i was damn pekcek. Had loads of free time. Reading, free time, taken photos with Jolene Seah. Hahah! Then after recess, we had Enrichment Programme. I was really feeling so hot, i went to ask Ms Ong if we can go to a air-con room to watch the movie. Then i went around the school to see if any places that has air-con is available. Then i perspire even more. Come back, Ms Ong said all the air-con room already used up! But Bio Lab don't have. Since Ms Ong is the teacher, listen to her loh. :/ I don't even understand what the movie is talking about, or maybe i didn't even paid a single percent of my attention to the movie & listen to it. Haha, i listen to songs, drag 3chairs, combine together & sleep. Rofl! Tifflin laughed at me & both of us shared the fan. Haha, was feeling much more cooling lah! Then wait until 12.15. Go Music Room, wooooo! Got air-con, so nice! Gotten back Lit Papers, didn't expect such a mark lah. Section A (i) 18/25 (ii)14/25 Section B 9/25!!!! AHHH! The best section of mine become the worse marks! The weakest section, yet i got the highest! Arghhhh! Overall over 75, i gotten 41. Oh mymy lah! Very low eh! :( Rest of the time, was drawing on the board & talking loh. After school, went T3 with Kayxi & Jolene. We slacked. Like seriously slack until very bad! Eat first, then Jolene keep laughing when she look at me. She's a siao char bo! :D Then go to the highest floor to slack. Jolene wanted to camwhore badly, but i wasn't in a like good mood to take. Then I asked her to take with Kayxi. But so sad, Kayxi don't want to cos i think she kena scare by Jolene! Hahah! Keep taking photo you knowwwwwww she! Haha. Jolene left at 4. Then when she leave, got this little boy, he looked at me & i waved to him. Then his coming, he stopped at the toilet there, probably waiting for Kayxi. Kayxi come out, his like laughing! Lollol, he came to play with us, or maybe Kayxi only! Then he want Kayxi to carry him. Kayxi carried him up & down. Kayxi no strength liao, yet she refused to get down. LOL. When he leave, i bet Kayxi is missing him lah. Reach home at 7plus. & ate durian! WOOO! So niceeeeee! :D Slept kinda early cos was too tired..
The whole day, our Form & Co-Form teacher accompany us the whole day! Then those who are committee busy loh! The rest was playinggggg. ;D Just that "some" people want to be extraaaaa. -.- I bet Sonia is damn pekcek. Hahahaaaaaa! After recess time, go to hall for Chinese Programme. Sat at Kayxi's class. Jolene also! Then both of us was so scared that teacher notice us. Haha! Then the women's singing damn good lah i swearrrrrr. Then her english when she say the link, damn niceeeee! Then had the health thingy also, then was so squeezyyyy! Then the 2/3 girl still stretch her leg. Then i cannot sit properly. Kayxi was so pissed & she purposely say very loud. I was laughing lah, but also paiseh-ing. Haha! After school, had CIP thingy at Ngee Ann. Walao, their school is freaking big. Classroom also have air-con de! Talked about some stuffs, then so boring lah. Sleepy lah. After that, went parkway! :D Eat Egg Tarts. Then saw Nadia eaing yogurt, i want to eat too! So i ate! HAHA! Then Nadia said,"Lets be like Jolene Seah." Hahah!

Nadia took this photo! Lollol!

Look at Amanda! Then me! HAHA!
Went home at 4plus. I fall asleep on the sofa. Woke up at 5.30. Showered half way, walao, i vomitted. Stomach suddenly damn pain. Then i poo-ed too. So i've been going in & out the toilet for more than an hour! My sweat is cold de somemore! Argh, now, im feeling so much better. PHEW! & tomorrow gonna take class photo! *Said by Amanda* Tomorrow have to wear contacts! AHHHHH. -.- Okay, i shall end off with this sentence. (:
At first you was a bitch. Now, you are a slut.