Was talking to her & cos she told me her sister cut her hair. I want to see, i asked her to on webcam. & look at her.
She look nicer with fringe. (: -Joyce, I'm serious!-
I wake up late as compared to normal days like 7-10am. I wake up at 12.24 today. Hah, cos i slept 3.17am last night.
& i regretted sleeping so late. Cos i would not have the time to complate my homework & no time to revise my Lit, Science & History.
I think i need to buck up. Im veryvery lag behind. & i started studying at 2 after i shower. I do my homework for 3h.
Can you believe it? & yet, i haven even complete finish yet. & my sister is having a fever. Awwwww. But she's like disturbing me.
Keep "Jaime!!!!!! I want hug. I want water." Lollol, noisy leh. No choice, she's having a fever. She slept at 9 immediately after she shower.
& her room is so... HOT. Yet, she cover her whole body. with thickthick blanket. &, she's wearing a jacket...
Poor thing. Haha. Dinner time, mummy told me something about me when i was young.
She said that time daddy come back from work. She asked me to hide. I hide behind the door. Daddy came back & called," Jaime!"
& i replied back,"Oieeee?"
I started laughing sososo badly while eating mango! & she told me more about silly stuffs my cousins & whoever. So funny lah!
Now, i'm like trying to do my Math homework. But, i'm too lazy to do. So, i decided to stop doing.
I can't get into moodle to do my Math. ): Hurhur. Alright, i shall stop blogging. Haha, i'm so lazy nowwwwww!
I don't feel like going to school! Holiday just doesn't seems to be one. & passes so fast. :/ Yet, now its so early. Passing so sloww! -.-