Then went to swimming pool play. I went into the pool with my clothes. Played with Noreen &
They went into the pool also. :D & look at how i look like. I look like some crazy women eating ice-cream Sonia gave us.

Changed my pants in the public. & i take it that i was wearing something. Noreen didn't dare. -.- 10plus, went back with Noreen.
She stupid idiot, say later the chair got someone sitting. I screamed & ran. D: Reach home, i totally forget that i need to go school for Lit.
GOSHGOSHGOSH. & i fall asleep at 1plus.. ):
16/3/2009A day which is
boring &
meaningless to me. -.-
Woke up at 6.30am. Left house at 7plus. I was late, but Mrs
Ng was even later. So, who cares? (: Then Mr
Ng let us go down buy food.
Soon, 9.30 end
le. (: Went
Ecp with Jolyn,
Tifflin, Amanda,
Xingwen, Noreen & Nadia. Eat Mac breakfast. Play with some games taking the soft toys.
Cant get
oneeee! ):
10.36, Jolyn & Me left first. Walk to school, then studied abit of Science. Geraldine the pig come. Followed, Sandra.
Talked. Mr Liew was late. Sing Rahoon, the song that I'm scared of. D: Then Sop 2 unlucky. Kena 1 by 1. Luckily i pass.
2 people kena kick out. ): Mr Liew say he aiming for Sop 1 & 2 today. Alto not yet. But alto gonna have loads of audition.
MOHAHAHAHA! Jolyn Phoen & Altheaaaaaaa! xD After that, Noreen went my house to swim & brought her hamster. ;]
So cute lahhhh! Picture will do the talking.