Take me somewhere with you.
5:26 PM Friday, March 13, 2009

Im here just because im bored & falling asleep soon if i dont blog. & i dont want to sleep cos i want to watch show at 5.30 which is... like 3 more min.
Argh, nvm.
Sleepysleepysleepy. Had one passage & its so right. I should say about it, but i know its very meaningful.
Then Mrs Peggy Tan let us hear song. What song?! June & i de toilet song. 对面的女孩看过来. :D June & i started doing the actions.
& i keep laughing. HAHA. Then usual, make our chinese file properly.
Oral Communication
Wah, have to talk about the PRES. Got like for you some more. I go up, i was trembling!!!! & i hardly can hear myself soon.
Then say finish, i feel so so so so so much relax. Woooo!
Then Mrs Wee/Oie or whatever let us off early for recess! Yayyay! :D Thanks to our presentation siallll. (:
Home Ec
Yes, i completed all the work already! & thanks Merei for helping me. Hahaha. Then i was so hyper with June.
Then Jolyn keep saying sugar as "suga". Lollol! Make me laugh only sia!
Mr Chiang gave us loads of time to prepare our file. Lollol. xD Then i was sososos busy & tense up. Goshhhh!
Im like panicking lah. Thanks June for helping me to write my English content page. :D
Go through 1worksheet the school end liao. Lollol. Then have our year book. SO NICE LAH. But got my unglam.
Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww. D: But i gonna keep properly the book yawwwwwwwwwww.
Actually straightly go home liao.
But i suddenly told June i go back school. She go back with me. Lollol. Then stayed back in school for a while, then i actually must go home liao.
But June say go parkway. Yeah. Go eat & talk for kinda longggggggg.
Then go home.
& now, im stoning now. I dont know what to do. I just feel like sleeping. :X But im watching my show now. Haha.

Enjoy reading darlings.
With loves, Jaime.

Yours truly,

Sweet 16. Singing is my passion. Shopping is my hobby. Kpop is my love.


Jaime Ng

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