Hello! :D
Today i wake up, my eye was very swollen due to some reason. However, its okay after few hours. Was very sleepy lah.
PC was singingggggg! :] Then 204 sing. Jolene, June & i sang too. Haha. Then was English. Its quite alright. History time always passes very fast.
We have to do crossword puzzle. Mr Chiang say can do in pairs. June & i do together. We end up laughing & get very horny.
Shouldn't say what we say about cos its very... awkward. But one part was very funny. June & i silent liao, then Mr Chiang," AHHHH!"
June & i started at each other started laughing & beat the table.
After recess is Mother Tongue. Quite alright.
Science was very boring lah. Then had Art. Mr Faizal rock! He always before his lesson will let us go toilet.
I went high & knock all the toilet ask whose inside. Hahahaha! :D
Had choir. I think choir is getting interestinggggggg! Yayyayyay! I left choir around 4.50plus cos i got dinner for school. I invited June.
Then i told Mr Liew.
He damn funny.
He ask why Geraldin & Sandra must accompany me. Later spoilt me. xD Then we keep laughing. He started telling me next time i ask them go out with boyfriend i sk them to accomapny also. Then he suddenly,"Nonono! Must follow!"
Lol. Then he ask me why i wan both of them to accmpany me. I told him," Cos you vey scary."
Went home showered & blahblah. I was late. Hehheh. June was late too. Then saw Taylor(?). Wait with her Victoria Anne.
Then blahblah.
Reach there, saw Ms Lam & everybody. Taylor was very funny!!!! Her laughter is funny. & she laugh easily.

June & i become very high. Keep laughing. June's chopstick fly off & moremoremore funny stuffs. I forget liao. If i remember, i'll update.
But trust me, its reallyreally very funny!!! We started singingsingingsinging. June & i went crazy singing
again after a while.

Miss Tan singinggggggg!