10:07 PM Thursday, December 25, 2008
12am: I did countdown. However, its with my sister's friend. Lollol. We played with the party spray. Lollol. Look at the following photos. :D
Suppose to take my sister & kenny. But Sharmane went to spray when i was taking. & she said its cool.

Poor Michelle & sister.
Mark was so pissed when he was being spray. Haha. & he claims its disgusting.
Then open present time. Ryan gave Sharmane a Ginger chocolate. & Sharmane went around asking people to eat.
Know why? Cos its awful. ): I ate one mouth, i throw it out on my hand again. & i throwed it away. So, we decided to play "Don't fall down".
Whoever loses, they need to eat that awful chocolate. & lets look at how poor some people are. :D & its the worst round.
Look at poor Michelle!!!
Hahaha, Michelle paiseh.

Kenny's leg need to cross over Michelle. Hahah.
Everyone sweat like hell cos we played in the carpark. & they left our house at 2plus. Michelle stayed over. & we ate supper! xD
We was thinking where to go out with family too. Get into bed at... 3plus. & we talk until 5am.
I didn't rot at home leh. Kayxi come find me, then she go out with my family. xD
In the taxi, sister was so despo to take photo with Kayxi. But Kayxi refuse. Lollol.
Eileen Ng! Why so despo?!
We went Marina. Hahaha, then Kayxi & i was damn hungry.
Cos we never ate a single food when we wake up. Lollol. Then i was so pissed with my father cos he say dont b0ther. Who ask me never eat pizza when we're at home.
Then finally my father even bothered to bring Kayxi & me to eat. Went to Paromount Hotel to eat. Didn't really eat alot.
Eat one bowl of noodle, i quite full liao. Hahahah.
Eat finish, go home. Kayxi went to my house until around 9.34pm? & seriously, we have alot of funny things happen. Hahaha. Say some of the things i remember that i think its funny.
1)I keep saying wrong word lah.
2) Kayxi wanted to say," this is the earliest dinner i ate before." However, she say until," This is the earliest birthday..."
My sister laugh & said she should record it.
3) Kayxi & my sister somehow keep fighting. In the taxi, Kayxi touch my sister. My sister said," I know you love me alot, but dont need to touch me."
Then Kayxi was so disgusted. So when the taxi turn, Kayxi try not to touch until my sister. & seeing them fighting, was real funny. xD
Kay, only funny stuffs i remembered bah? Or cos im lazy? ;x Kay, i want shower liao. xD Hehheh. Thanks Kayxi. :]