12:52 PM Sunday, November 2, 2008
Hey people! (:
Sorry! My post for the past few days was rather boring & short.
Reason was probably, lazy? Busy? Mad playing?
Hahaha, k, i was rather lazy & busy. Thats the two main reason. & let me tell you people something. I'm here blogging.
But, i dont know what to blog about actually. :x I was just feeling bad that my post was boring, so i shall make-up to those post.
Hahahahaha. Let me talk about the yesterday lah. If not, i really dont know what to talk about already. :/

It was rather a happy day.
Thank you Tifflin & Kayxi. (:Firstly, Kayxi come my house. She rest, i play com. Secondly, we went to Kallang Leisure. We just went there a while only lah. Once we reach, Tifflin just know how to say one sentence. :] "I want to eat ice."
Lol, i wonder what so nice about ice. Heh. Then she order. Kayxi & Me was just so blur.
Tifflin order already we two still finding which to buy. Lollol.
Decided to share with Kayxi loh.
I eat liao, no taste no taste one. Heh. xD Buy ice liao, go arcade. Kayxi was staring at the BasketBall game again. Lol!
Then we play loh. & the ball hit until me. It was fun lah actually. Hahaa.
Then i played my Mario gameeeeeeeeeee! :}
I first! Woohoo~
K, then we leave liao. We was lazy to walk. We decided to take taxi. :] Lazy us. Or maybe, me? :x Then Kayxi slept on my shoulder.
She wake up, my shoulder numb already!!! Went Mac to eat. Not me, but Tifflin & Kayxi. That two girls. xD
Buy fruits & went for tuition. Saw Yuling there. Hahha.
Math time, i was rather concerntrating & some of the time, playing. :D Hahahhaha.
Oh & Kayxi wanted to drink water. She drink Yuling's water, but never touch.
Then i keep looking at her, she cannot drink. Then keep laughing. :x Finally can drink, i laughed. She slipt it out. :X Hahahahahahhahahahahahahaha.
(KAYXI KAYXI! Remember, someone farted? & i dont know why we're laughing about that. :x)
TIfflin laughed also. & thought i made the sound!
& two hours is like millions of years loh. :/
So longggggggggggggggggggggg!
Sat 225 to Bedok Int. Reach already, i was rubbishing with Kayxi. This time no Shuchun. She go back China.
We was saying the word "probably". & i say abit wrongly, she say is "pro-ba-bly!"
Then i think think think, i said "pro-per-ply."
Hahahahaha! Then she say different meaning & pronuanciation. Lol. Hahah.
Then while waitng for 197, i take Kayxi's sweet. Again, is tick-tac. I pour into my mouth. First time pour, two came into my mouth.
Pour again, one only. Then Kayxi laughed at me.
& i told her damn boliao things. I say, the sweet like me too much.
Kayxi: If the sweet like you, everything will go in.
Jaime: No, if i eat already, then they cannot see me already!
Kayxi: They can see your inside body... Ewwww!
Jaime: Nooo! Later i pass it out, then they cant see me they will sad.
*saying softly*
Jaime: Ohhh! Pass out takes longer than the remaining sweet insid the box hor. Makes no sense
I took the sweet & pour again. This time, wah! Half of the sweet in thebox came into my mouth. I shouted,"Ahh!"
Kayxi look at me, i started laughing & covering the box.
She say,"Let me see!"
She see liao, her reaction damn funny. Hahahahahaahha. -Sorry Kayxi!-
Went up into the bus, its cold again. But this time, Kayxi have jacket also. & i ask her to turn the air-con. She purposely turn to meeee!!
& we ended up laughing non-stop. & i dont know why we're laughing lah. xD Haahahahahah!
Then she went down, i go homeeee. Thats all. :D
Im asking my dear friends what they want so i can buy for them. :] Hahahaha. K, thats all.
Sorry for making you cried so badly yesterday night. :/
I just dont know what happened.
Thank you for giving more time & willing to wait fo me.