10:02 PM Wednesday, September 24, 2008
HEY! (: I'm quite lazy now.. Cos, i'm tired!
Nevertheless, i still studied. Haha, cool right cool right?
I've been concentrating on HistoryHistoryHistory! & totally forget about Science & Lit.
Kay, should faster blog & sleep!
22/09/08Went to Tifflin's house to study with Jolone.
Before that, went Mac to buy something to eat. Saw Shuchun!
She look werid when she tie her hair & wear school uniform. xDD
Afer buying foods, walk to Tifflin's house. Tiringg!! ):
Reach her house, Jolene & I started eatingeatingeating.
Taken Jolene eating. Somehow called "Unglam".

Jolene, your hair will always have this effect.

Eateateat. ;D


*Thats pants. xD

In love with the remote.

Innocent look.
After everything, taken photos with Tifflin & Jolene.

ILY Jolene!

Jolene & Tifflin! (:



Saw this in the lift. ==!!
Jolene went back first. I started with studying.
Study which subject? Historyyyyyy!! Again leh! Omg lah.
Tifflin started asking me funnyfunny questions.
You sad right?
Are you scared of Jolene & Sandra?
Lol, she's werid. Nah, acutally she's only concern. Thanks! :D
Studied for 1h went home. In bus, take out lit book started studying.
My head was so pain, so i close my book. (: Reach home, wanted to study after showering.
However, Joelle, Tracia, Ah Peng, Agnes & Henry gege come.
End up, babysit them play with them. Didn't study!!
23/09/08Lessons went quite smoothly.
Just that, had the mass & prize giving that delay our time for going home.
Stupid canzxz?! Stayed back after that.
Shall not elaborate. :/
Today!Everything was just in a stupid mess for me.
But, i just want to concentrate on studies lah. So, didn't bother much.
Thank you June to be with me but not them.
Recess time accompanied me & talk about some stuffs.
After school, diane ask who staying back.
She staying back so i also stay back. Actually, was suppose to study.
I did study. But Diane was talking about some teachers.
End up, Diane & me started laughing whenever we think of ___ _______.
Lol. Then continue studying. I completed studying Chapter 1 & 2 for History le! *yayism.
June, so are you still sad? Don't sad lah.
Cheer up! (: Don't bother her so much. & don't worry about some stuffs.
It will be alright de kayzxz? As long as you know i'm always here & always love you! <3
Tomorrow is English exam. Goodluck friends & of course,myself. (: