6:34 PM Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Morning in the class had two hours to do our cheer. Then noboday want to co-operate make until Nikita very pekcek.
Lol! Then she take video of OUR class not co-operating. Wthell lah. But luckily, i wasn't inside the video. *yay!*
Recess time was just our free time loh. After recess, went to Music Room to watch about Gobal Warming? I get damn bored.
I started to sms people & say boliao stuffs. June they all started saying im boliao or whatever. Hahahaahah.
-Sorry lah! Boring what.-
After like 2h of the video, finally finish!!!! ;D My buttock very pain seh! Followed, went to class.
RHYA, CCA leaders, Consellours created a game for every class. Our's kinda boliao. But, its quite fun too actually. (:
Hahaha. Game ended, Mr Pang talk a while, pass around our mark shit. Must stay back for cheer like 30min.
Then Nadia, Bern, June, Jolene, Tifflin & Me head to parkway to eat & buy Amanda's book. Walkwalk loh. June & i go home first. Go home, neighbours was at my house.
Doing what? Playing tabletennis. Then the jerk sms me again!
Wthell lah! ==!!
Wanted to blog de, at last, nah. Hahaha.
Went to excursion. I would call the whatever factory as HOT factory. Cos its very hot! :X Hahahaha.
Wasn't really paying attention what Mr Liew was saying. Keep sms-ing, talking & take photos.
Then tio scolding. ;D
Went into the gallery. Was somehow da scary for some places. Hahaha.
Look at June lah! Hahaha.
Love the light. (:
Jolene's eye! xD
Everyone wants some shade. (:
Finally, finish liao. hen went up the bus, head to singapore art museum. (: I think its much more nicer there. Haha.
We had our own time to walk around. Taken photo! Woohoo! :D
Places where have light. So, we played with our shadow.
Know what we're doing? (:
Actually is L.O.V.E. ==!!
This pupils skip school. I was one of them too. I look rather... Werid?
I look kinda extra. I was suppose to do that action in the photo. I did, but was sms-ing at the same time too. :X
New friends! (:
1st shot. Some was not ready. xD & i look like some retards.

2nd shot. Blurrrr. Finally! Everyone's ready. ;D
Hearing Sandra's ipod with Jolene. (:
Then saw primary school friend, Depeng. (: He didn't change. Hahaha.
After like 1h of freetime, meet teacher & go back to school! We are release early today! Cool right?! I know. ;D
Stayed back in school with Kayxi. Then she somehow keep bullying me lah. Wthell. Not fun k! Go home quite early? Then never shower, i fall asleep.
Tiring day indeed. ;/
So, i want to faster bloggggggggg. Cos gonna be 8! I want watch show maybe? I dont know. Hahahaha.
Anyway, thanks to Nadia & Tifflin for blogging fast just for me to get the pic fast. Love my new friends. ;D
June, Bern, Nadia, Amanda, Jolene, Sandra & Tifflin.
Actually, they're not new. Hahahahha. :x
P.S Now talking to Bern in MSN. She keep saying she love me. (: Woooo! I love you too Bern! <3>
Oh! & heard from Nikita say that 5people in my class going express.
Probably is this five. :/
Bern going i dont know should be happy or sad. She not gonna be in our class liao. But if she dont go express, she gonna transfer, ):
Sandra leave liao, then no one to be with. No more happy pie!! D:
Azida our best chairman & funny little girl that organise our class. I can't imagine without her, our class gonna go chaos. :/
Sorry, i was pissed just now. :C
But, sometimes, don't take some things as jokes. Its not fun or whatever.
Lastly, i'm sorry again. I just feel... unloved