7:32 PM Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I just learnt a new thingy to edit photos.
I just download it.
I think its damn COOL loh!
THANK YOU HUIXIAN for teaching me! ILY!
xD Anyways, i get back my results for chinese and science.
It wasn't that good but my sister is good le.
Im so embarrass to say out the marks lah! :}
Anyways, im going to austrlia at nov!
Dopreeeeee! I know its still so long ago lah!
All my classmates are going too.
As in most of them lah! xP
I really LOVE this woman! But it may a bad thing for me too.
If xiiao qing go, i will be more HAPPY!
i really dont want to mix with them anymore.
But if i do that, i really sometimes feel damn down,
I want go back to primary school life lah!
Secondary school life really SUCKS SUCKS SUCKS!
I hate this man! My friends are so bastard and suckie!
Xiaooqing is always the best!
You are not the best but the best best best!
Primary school frends and life is always the best than secondary! D;

Yours truly,

Sweet 16. Singing is my passion. Shopping is my hobby. Kpop is my love.


Jaime Ng

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