HAPPY CHINESENEWYEAR! Went to Auntie don't know whose house. Their house is damn BIGloh. I just simply wish to have their house. Its damn nice. But they also very rich de lah. The mother own almost all the shops in city plaza. Level 1,2,3,4 all she own. Level 5, some lah. Today i SIAO de. First time wearing so many things. HAHA. I wore necklace, braclet and ring. ;D Next time should wear more. XIAO QING really say DUI le leh. I become AI MEI le leh, But still not in the stage of MAKE-UPs. HAHA. Next maybe is my diet then is MAKE-UPs bah. Quite HAPPY today. Cause Gian said he still LOVE me! HAHA, But im stll thinking to be with him. I don't really want myself to get hurt more. Without him for that period, i felt so much better also. But i still like him. I just need time. Thats what i tell him. Thats all. Want go watch MY gong zhu xiao mei le.
Yours truly,
Sweet 16. Singing is my passion. Shopping is my hobby. Kpop is my love.