12:54 AM Sunday, February 17, 2008
Today have tuition for maths.
And its also the first lesson for it.
I totally dont know a single person there and i feel so unconmfortable.
But i tell you, i was confused by the teaching.
Cause my school teach that method and he teach this method.
Made me so ... From know to donno.
but i think i will just follow my school way during school time.
Will use his method for his lesson. ;D
After tuition my sister and henry gege wait for me.
Henry gege told me what happen in Mac while waiting for my sister.
HE went to the toilet and make his hair obeying my sister to take her bag.
This guy walked in and see until him and say,"SORRY!"
Henry gege: No need sorry! Im a guy.. "
when i know, i laugh dao fan!
Then went home and use com loh. xD
Thats all. ;}