12:26 PM Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Heheh.. Never post yesterday .. (TORI!)
Today in class,Mr koh thought we have to go to the hall . So still got 15min,he talk about sometimes when people say you you didn't express out and so on . Long story,not gonna talk bout it . So one of my friend,ahmad said,"Mr koh,10 already !" Then Mr koh haven talk finish so he said let me finish first. Finish le then i shouted,"Okay,Lets go . " Then XQ was like laughing ?
So go le Mr koh found out from other class teachers say that don't have to go hall so we went back . So go back le,Mr Koh want us to talk about ous NAME .. Why our parents call us this name blah blah . So Mr koh called me,and i kept laughing . Then i told him over 1 min le ! Then he siad,45sec laugh 15 sec talk only ." Then i walk around not to let Mr koh ask me to talk. LOL .
Oh and one more thing, Mr Koh want us to tear paper for Science test paper just because cannot let other people see our Science paper.
Our classroom was in a total mess . HAHA ! Paper classroom .The boys lorhs,make till so messy Mr koh ASK the GIRLS to pick up also ! WTF larhs !

Liang yu extra sia .People take photo he there and look at his where ? xD

Talk about yesterday ..
I feel like going to eat Mc . So i asked Qing to accompany so she agree .
Mich called me and ask me where me, so we said at mc and she said she want to go too .

After eating,we want to go home le . Just nice,Qing saw his BF so i do the same thing rush immediatel not to let Qing sit with him .So sit le,we saw QING"S BF PEEEE !! Eeee .
So big le still pee very pei seh horhs ? xD

I went to city plaza to go for facial and make my hair . xD
The auntie help me press dao ALOT of blood come out lehs ! 痛死了 ! My tears almost drop . =="
The daughter of the auntie 美死了 !Am totally attracted to her sia !
Lol . Anyway,i went and made my hair curl . Those curl is wavy one not like those auntie so curl . Its not permanent larhs .Wash then no more le . :X
Quite nice larhs . xD
Kayes,got to go !
My mother want me and my sis to do all the housework but not HER ! WTF ?!
Just only,my maid hand is injured or whatever . WTH !

Continue(Night time)

Kaijun had an misunderstanding towards me .
She thought is i spam her blog when the fact is that my sister is the one who did that alright ? Sorry to be a bitch to you larh ! Sorry lorh. I really regret to take you as my friend . Just cause of this matter,i cry like hell ! I don't need anyone of your pity . I will still take you as my friend(NORMAL!) This time i see you,you wouldn't be smiling or whatever .. You will just hear my voice saying,"Hie." :D
And i will walk off . (:
Cause i will be uneasy to be with you girl .

Sorryyy . (:

Thats it .

Yours truly,

Sweet 16. Singing is my passion. Shopping is my hobby. Kpop is my love.


Jaime Ng

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