6:30 PM Friday, November 2, 2007

Today in school my form teacher,Mr Koh,bring us to the computer lab.
So we were noisy,Mr Koh said,"Shhhh. Keep quite." Then deferdauz and his friends shouted,"ya larhs!Shadi larhs!"
Mr koh thought it was real and said back,"Shadi!" But actually,Shadi was ABSENT!
The whole class ended up laughing making the noise level increase. What a joke!
Kayes,for some of you not funny larhs.(Sorry larhs!)
We went to computer lab to watch movie AGAIN!
But at least its funny and nice larhs. And its a lame movie,Mr bean holiday. =="

Haha. Tomorrow have to help out for P1 orientation. What to do there? Any idea? NOooo.

After school,XQ didn't go school whast so she ask me want go ECP then i say ok lorhs .
As you know .. she go there just do what ? DDR .. =="
After DDR,we get out of arcade and saw XQ's stead . I rush and sit there immediately so xq cannot sit with him . So we decided to kiss XQ's stead.

And people was looking at US . But who cares ? We want to kiss Mc Donald !! :X (QING,don't angry ! )

Anyway,thats for today .. Tired ...


Yours truly,

Sweet 16. Singing is my passion. Shopping is my hobby. Kpop is my love.


Jaime Ng

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