Let me hold your future. :D
8:26 PM Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Hello. :] My hits has been slowly decreasing. & its so saddening. Hahaha! Probably, my post everyday is damndamndamn boring.
Nvm, i shall post something more interesting then. :D Lets recall the day i had yesterday.
Went to the Orchid Place ah? Dont know how to call that. In the bus, Mr Pang want Amanda, Jolene, June & me to tell him about the CNY decor.
Then we keep saying rubbish until i thought of something & get very serious after that. Haha. Knowing that we're reaching the place soon, our expression is somehow like "i dont want". Cos, everyone expected it to be boringgggg.
Before the talk start, we will slipt to 3 groups. & im with Diane they all. We sat down & started making noise.
I gotta say, we are the nosiest as usual. & due to boring-ness of the talk, i entertained myself by talking rubbish.
QinHui keep laughing. Then she look like those werid people that keep vibrating. ==!! The whether also very werid!
Rain liao stop. Rain liao then stop again. What the hack?! My group went to see the flowers first. We keep shouting, laughing & making fun of the names of the flower.
Even the person there cannot handle us. Lollol. xD People shouted LIZARDS & i saw something moving, i began shouting & jumping too.
I swear June is damn lame lah. She ask where then i pointed where to lizard run to. & she never see anything, she just shouted. O.O"
Walkwalkwalk, June keep make me. "Jaime! LIZARD!" & stupid me keep on believeing her. My reaction was shouting & running.
Then i keep making the person there. He cut alot of plants cos of us. & he allowed us to take photos. *yayism.
June & Me! :]

This can be eaten. However, i try eating, i feel so... Eeeee.
I call this, fatty! ;x

This is Poapoa Diane! Lol. Diane's plant.
Baby orchids. :]
Dont know what this plant called.
Small lobster! :DDD
Then the person let us see his wormies!
Ewwwww. Rachel & Crista dare to touch them. *Vomit
Then, i was too tired after shouting, i became very moody. ;x Probably due to tiredness.
Had some somehow of Science work. Its quite fun too. :] Then we gonna have our own orchid plant. ;D
I was so happy. Then, Mr Pang rush us cos if not we will reach the school at 7 & wouldn't be able to take out bags. So, do liao go to the bus.
Bus time, they give back our ocrhid plants. June & Leona dont want then give me. Rachel gave me her earthworm. >< color="#33cc00">GREEN FILE. ==!!
*yawn* I found out, today i wake up, i never move until. My pillow are where it was suppose to be. My blanket was still very messy neat!
& i was pushing myself to go to school. If not, i would be at homeeeee!
Shouldn't say about anything during class time. Skip until choir time. People turned up for 2nd Audition.
& MOSTLY all the Sec 1s are in Soprano 2. Omg, its like alot lah. I have 2juniors to takecare of. & the song "She weeps the Rahoon" is hard.
Finally, choir ended. Went up the class to see what they have done to decor i asked them to do. I find out, it turned out quite nice.
& i walked down the stairs happily. At bus, my whole body pain. Realise, i was a little feverish. Then saw my primary school friend in bus when i get down.
Saw my primary school friend when i get down. Wah, so qiao. Lol. Now, i gonna stop blogging & do my homework. DADA!