7:45 PM Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Today is a damn
tired day lah!
Got choir + leg pain cause of yesterday's PE.
D; Today choir is like so
Dr Wang gonna come for 4weeks on Wed. WTH.
I slept and my senior ask me to wake up.
I just cant stand with my tired lah.
The eyelid like so heavy going to drop down liao. Also raining.
Raining sleep very comfortable de leh. ;x
Then Dr Wang invited our school to perform on a very special day.
All Sec 3 go cause want get CCA point marks. Only 20 people can go nia. D;
Dr Wang teach them sing while others can do whatever we like. xD
Then fianally we are release first. xD
After that went take my glasses.
Black colour all de. Side a little brown. I look like bookworm.
I also dont know if is nice for you guys. xD
Anyways, Bernedette, dont think you're so perfect lah!
Dont think just cause only one lesbo loves you, you tink LOADS
of people like you in our class.
Actually people in our class dont like you.
Of course for you, losing friends is not a big problem with you.
Let me see one day no one will want to be with YOU, see how you feel man lady! ;D
Im not being mean or whatever, but its the fact lah. xD
You say June steal Me and Gloria from you.
but i ask you first, when we're beside you, did you treat us good?
Did you care about us? Nahhh!
You treat us like shit.
You keep on bully me.
I say dont want you force me and always do things which made me so embarrass and etc.
I really hate this! ;D
Im not gonna care whats happening anymore cause you're not my friend anymore. ;D
Im just too good to have this kind of kiam pa friend. ;D
Get what i mean? ;D Out of my life!
Im always a cheerful girl when im in priamry school.
Beginning of this year, everyone called me laughing budda cause i will laugh for no reasons and non-stop.
But now, i've stop. Everyone asked me why . They miss my laughter.
I have given you umpteen of chances not to say bear with it.
But i have enough of all this. Cause of YOU made me change my life!
You make use of people esspeacially Jolene Seah.
Need her, treat her well.
No need her, laugh behing her back and say bad things about her.
Yoy think you're so good to do this kind of thing?
Let me tell you,NO! ;D
Anyways, thats all of your unglam things. ;D
Let me ask those readers reading my blog always!
You think you should have this friend?
Do you think this friend is good?Readers, you may reply to my tag if you want. ;D