8:59 PM Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Went to facial. I slept so soundly that when they pressed, no matter how pain no respond and whatever. LOL> But they damn bad loh. Sleep go press so many. WTH?!
Now damn hell pain also loh. LOL . still can lah actually. LOL.
Then we don't want go home 5+ then go home.
Reach home father scold. This few days don't know what happen to the parents leh.
So naggy de. WTH?!
Woke up thought of goin jogging.
But that lazy sister say 5.30.
Then o loh. Then she end up sleeping telling me its raining as a excuse.
Then i was like WTH?
Then don't really feeling like talking to her.
Then i smsing one boy call baotin.
He kpo go ask gian if he still like me.
Then baotin replied was he don't like me already.
So i kinda don't really want to believe him.
So i asked gian if baotin smsed him.
He said no.
Then he just sms jerry unless thats baotin.
So i was so freak out.
It was really him.
Then i ask him what he(baotin) say. Gian said,"He ask me if i still like you."
So i say whats your reply? He didn't reply all the way loh.
Then when i know i send him a break up message which is 4 sms?
Then i was damn moody staying at the window there looking around to make me more comfortable.
Then uncle saw say i bring you sit car walk walk.
So... In car still very moody. That say, me,kaijun and xq is damn moody loh.
After that i felt much more better after laughter was brought from my family.
In school was a damn bored day.
The assembly thingy was the part i fell asleep with jolene.
Then the teacher was like nagging nagging nagging nagging.
Then i saw xq in k. Mr koh needa rush off cause her grandmother fell.SO okay loh.
Then saw ms venus the venus. I was so crazy. She finally get her wish phone. w580
HAHA> Happey for her.
Then afterwarrds went katong.
Taken some pics.

Then xiao qing ask me go same bus stop as her.
Then she say
pei her go sit same bus. O.O!
Then I also don’t know why I just went up like that. = =”
Maybe too happy also. LOL.
Then went home revise.
Then I damn fucking angry loh!
That stupid gian told others he say the break up first.
I was like… WTH?
Cause I ask Ryan poon to ask him something.
And his answer said,’’No. I break up one whats.”
Then I went and scold him.
Me: Please lah guy! If you want to save up your that piece of face, first place you don’t like me already, you should tell me. Now, you’re telling others you DUMP me? WTF?
Gian: Got problem ah?
Me: Yeah! For my own pride. I want to make it clear! I was the one asking for break first ok?! Are you that timaid?! Just a small matter also want to calculate with a girl?Chey! You may continue lying. Cause I saved the message of the break up I send you! ;D
Be a “GUY” sometimes BOY!
Gian: Shut up and don’t give me the happy look when you don’t mean it.
Me: Its my mouth! You can’t ask me to shut up then im like a dog listening!
If you have nothing to say bac, you should be the one shutting your mouth even its not my mouth? Don’t be like Jian Liang please.
JPs! While im saying im smiling happily.
JJJJJJJJJ with quite a lot of smiley faces,
Gian: Think I don’t know. Only pretend to be happy. And im not Jian Liang. I hate it.
Me: Anyway, why you’re telling me that are not concerning me …. EH, my this ans no link. Psps. ;x
Gian: Get lost lah dude! Im doing my hw.
You ask me get lost I follow arhs? You’re not fit to call others dude.
JEveryone in this world ain’t PERFECT! The “everyone” includes YOU!
Gian: And also you loh! Don’t anyhow point.
Me: Point? I never even come up and point on you please! I say you boy cause I better than YOU. ;x Any you’re just TOO timid.
And know what? He have nothing to say back most probably?
But if you tell him, he will say this,”I have no time qurrel with her blah blah.”
LOL. Anyways…. JAIME won. ;x
But quite sad still break with him. ):
Cause you know… I still some kinda love him?Nvm. Nights.
Today school was tiring. PE
warm up also tired.
Then got run. Tell you! This is the first time that I didn’t stop running. But my face became red. = =”
Then after that went science thingy do those chemicals room. So fun lah.
But my book in locker need climb up to 4
th floor. WTH?
So tiring…!
After that recess. A lot ppl in class.
So I just change in class with
But everyone is peeping. We was shouting. lOL.
Then went to eat. But I didn’t eat. NO TIME.
then Chinese lesson kena said loh! WTH!
She shift
bern to front.. For no resons loh.
Then I was like WTH?! Why shift my
bern away?!
:@ Then teacher said me also.
“Wo ye
yao huan ni de wei zhi. Ni zai zi xue jiang hua lah!”
Then she go anither group I was saying in my mouth about her bad things.
She say ni you bens hi jiu kiang da shen yi dian.
Then I angry I just shouted.
TMD! Then I copyright her. Plus one more fuck. But she like you know?
Then she said,” some of you I want to complain to mr pung arhs!”
Then I was like WTH? Everything Mr pung.
Nothing to shield go use him.
Then bye bye time I hack care just leave the class for TOILETS.
Then I was like saying the teacher. We throw all the Chinese books.
HAHA. Im damn HAPPY after scolding her. ;D
Then after school I got badminton try outs.
So tiring.
Got PE still got badminton.
Then today its like whole body aching loh. ):
Cannot write also. SOB. Anyways, will post more if FREE. ;D
Love you guys.