9:52 PM Sunday, December 30, 2007

Okayes, im getting fed up by this post thingy .
They auto save le so i close then go see. nothing !
WTH ?!
Kayes, nvm .
Went out with sand sand,xiiao qing and kaijun .
They sms me at 12.15 and i read their message at 2+ .
Cause i woke up at 2+ .
So icalled xiiao qing and i told her i just woke up .
She call me PIG ! Im ideed a pig anyways .
So i ask them what time they reach . They siad just only .
So i told them i ask daddy first .
Daddy agreed . So i eat also anyhow eat .
But, shower of course ... NOT ! xD
Done my outfits, i head to parkway .
I sat bus there . The bus driver like tortoise lehh .
* Maybe slower than tortoise .* LOL . ^^
I ask them where they are .
They say at arcade the toilet there .
Im thinkingg * wah ! Meen also want to meet at toilet. ? they just love the toilets ! *
So about to go up the escalator, i saw them ..
I thought they want to come down so i stand there .
Then im thinking why they don't wanna come down de ?
So i look at them .?
Saw xiiao qing's hand signal and kaijun's loud voice asking me to come up, i blur blur go upp .
Then don't know what happen to my leg lohh .
Rush up the escalator . Then they laughed at me . o.o!!
Followed, they rush to their place .
Their place= di pan .
LOL . Haha .
So we taken some pic . But ain't that nice don't wish to display it . xD
After that, kaijun said she want to go the baby's room .
So i recommended her a toilet which is quite nic .
So we went in there for AWHILE only .
Cause very warm .
Then we saw those for disable one .
Xiiao qing press on one button and the door open . * shen me gui ? *
So we want to go in . Sacred people see until us .
So we faster press on the button . But close le open .
Maybe the sensor . LOLS .
After that, bought drinks .
Then they went to their place again .
th floor .
The place was wonderful and nice. No people,with air-con . ;D
Nice place ting ! xD
Taken some pic . xD
Go to xiiao qing's blog to see . ;D
After that, xiiao qing asked me if i want to go her house . Cause sand sand also got go .
Kaijun got party to attend .
So i say okay lohh . I also not interested going home .
Slack for 2h, went home .

I did something bad .
I wrote those . ;D
The bus waited for 15-20min .
A old man keep seeing me lohh .
I get off the bus like something zhen gui leaving himm . LOL .

Kayes, gian finally replied me .
Sms him for sms le no reple . This time reply .
His repling is damn hurting lohh .
Nvm . Don't talk about that le . Todos .

Yours truly,

Sweet 16. Singing is my passion. Shopping is my hobby. Kpop is my love.


Jaime Ng

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